Saturday, January 08, 2011

Donations 1.8.11

I must admit that I do not specialize in any type of quilting.  As a result, I am not an expert in any particular form.  I have donated quilted for various causes. 
At the start of the jewish High Holy days I suddenly had an urge to create and donate quilts to the place I was going to services.  It was a new place for me but I had a good feeling.  I wanted to have these lap quilts done before the High Holy days were over.  I almost made it and ended up with three lap quilts and one small kids wall hanging.  They were very surprised when I donated them and I am not sure that they have figured out what to do with them (sick visits; new babies, sell them in an auction, etc.).  I did not take pictures of the quilts but I had four blocks left over that I made into a wall hanging for myself.

I do wish I knew why my camera was turning everything so yellow.  That is supposed to be an ivory wall behind them.  I have done a few more small quilts that I plan on donating once I know what Beth Evergreen is doing with the pieces they already have.

The two last pieces are the front and back of a dog baby quilt.  It was fun and an experiment.  I am not sure if you should donate your best work or donate work that you played with but do not feel a need to keep. 

Anyone have an opinion on that??

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