Friday, January 28, 2011

Transformation Jan 28 2011

I was planning on writing about a piece I just finished.  I started it in October by trying to see how I could cut curves and put them together to create tree branches.  I wanted to create Aspen trees with their gold leaves showing.  Carelessly, I had used a gold fabric with a lot of red in it and as the piece developed it because a look through a window at aspens burning.  It had transformed inspite of its creators desires.  The piece is finally finished  (24" by 24") and I ended up overstuffing some of the branches to give it a basrelief look.  I love this piece.

Today was a day off for me and I was dealing with a (dare I name it) depression that had come over me during the last few weeks.  I have been gaining weight and my allergies had kicked in with rashes all over my body.  I went for a hair cut and dye job today and had a wonderful time with Darlene, my hair person and then I had a whim and wanted a facial.  The facial lady did not have time for my whim but within five minutes got a call delaying her next appointment so she could take me in just thirty minutes.  I accepted this gift from the universe and I sat in a corner of the salon and drank white wine from an antique pewter cup while reading about medical intutitives, pressure points and life. 
The facial and massage was wonderful and she kept asking me if I smiled like this all the time.  I had to explain that there are people who do not believe that I ever smile.  When I wrote out the check I realized that long ago today was the day I was married - perhaps I was feeling that in my bones.  It was a long long time ago and was an experience I would not have missed , nor would I ever repeat it.  Guess today has a new meaning - Transformation.

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